CCC Trail (April 9, 2008)

Chris' parents were up for the week, and we planned to go see the Skagit tulips with
my parents... except the tulips were late blooming since it was such a late winter.
So, instead, we decided to go on a hike past the North Bend area. The one we picked
out ended up not being accessible due to having too much snow still in the road.
But, we saw a marker at a trailhead for another trail on the road in, so we decided to
hike that one instead. The trail was really well maintained and it had a lot of wooden
bridges. We found out later that the trial goes from the end of the road to North
Bend and it's a trial to be used by bikes, horses and hikers.

It had just snowed the night before apparently... and this is April!

There were these strange things all over the place, it turns out, they collect
air quality samples with them.

The largest bridge on our trip... pretty nice for a hiking trial!

Chris making his way over to a water fall to take some pictures.

This was the largest water crossing on the hike. They had some nice cascades...
but, strangely, no bridge.

Dad and Larry waiting for Chris and I to catch up.

Along the trail.

Since we didn't get to see the waterfalls we planned to see on the hike, we stopped
at Snoqualmie Falls on the way back.

There were some dafodils there too.